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5 Marketing Writing Examples from Famous Brands

Sometimes, a piece of content can make people longtime fans of a particular company or brand. Funny YouTube content and a very informative blog post are two examples of content marketing. Content marketing writing examples include newsletters, social media posts, and so on.

Those entire forms of content are designed to provide relevant and useful information that’s going to delight and attract users to your product or brand. It is crucial to learn some different content marketing examples so that you can make your own most effective marketing writing strategies.

Cool Marketing Writing Examples To Learn From

Different brands and companies have used awesome content marketing strategies that make them grow bigger and succeed. Below are some brands with awesome content marketing strategies you can learn from.

marketing writing examples

1. Canva’s Design School

The Design School by Canva provides value to all users simply by teaching all users how they can create engaging images using minimal design experience but with no complicated software. This program also does a wonderful job of showing the entire design possibilities offered by Canva.

Only 23 words are used by Canva to promote this Design School course. The marketing copywriting words used by Canva include some tools users can use to learn how to create awesome designs, such as color, design trends, and typography.

2. Email marketing of Warby Parker

One amazing reason why this Warby Parker glasses brand stands out compared to many online glasses retailers is the eye-catching and fun marketing email campaigns. Warby Parker uses its bright crystal-themed eyewear to welcome summer vacation.

The email marketing campaign contains calls to action you can spot very easily. The colors and fun and bright. This email marketing campaign also presents the social media accounts of the brand very clearly. Since the glasses are designed for summer, the fun and bright colors are perfect.

3. Research Page of Colgate

Building a resource page that’s made up of useful links on a specific topic can be the most effective way for businesses to provide helpful content. One of many marketing writing examples to learn from is the Research Page of Colgate.

If you own a business that’s producing content, then you may have a bunch of related content that’s going to support the topics your business wants to build authority. Colgate, for example, offers 1,200 pieces of content all related to gum disease which is a broad topic.

There’s a lot of content you may have to sift through. That’s why Colgate’s marketing plan includes a resource page containing specific sections of content related to gum disease, such as how you can cure gingivitis or gum disease’s stages.

4. Free Product by Venngage

The product you offer should be the best marketing of your business. One effective way you can provide real value is to make a free tool that is going to align with your services and/or products. If there’s a chance to get free users hooked on the free tools you offer, you are awesome.

It means you have learned the best marketing writing examples and the sales team has the best chance of demonstrating the paid tools’ value as well. If your writer needs help with creating web content visuals, Venngage can be an excellent company to create compelling visuals.

Its free version allows users to access various templates for brochures, presentations, checklists, infographics, and others.

5. Ellevest

Ellevest is an extraordinary investment company that focuses on empowering women financially. The email marketing and business writing strategy of this company consistently combines some things that are all valuable to its audience: advice about investing and news.

Some emails also contain examples of women who kill it in the world of business as well as coverage of feminist topics that are all relevant to finance. Everything is shared in more casual tones so that they can feel more relatable and fun.

The writers at Ellevest all understand what the audience cares about so that they can talk and write the right topics that will hit the heart.


Once you’re done learning marketing writing examples, start making your own content writing strategies using powerful words. Then share your promotional messages only by using SMS Broadcaster’s Hitech Terminal Enterprise devices.

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