Japan is a country that faces many kinds of natural disasters. The government prepared the Japan emergency alert system to prevent the loss of lives and the economy. After some technological development, it has become a reliable system to warn people about public threats and other types of hazards.
Generally, the systems work the same. Sensors read the potential threats, then the other tools transmit the collected data. The warning can be issued after that as an alert for the public. Since there are many types of warnings, how do they work for people who stay in Japan?
The Types of Japan Emergency Alert System
J-Alert System
The nationwide emergency alert system in Japan is named J-alert. This system uses satellites and some media broadcasts. The one who is running this system is the Fire and Disaster Management Agency. It has made some enhancements in the past three years to cover many events.
The J-alert now can cover many events, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, terrorist attacks, large-scale incidents in public, and missile launches. Now, everyone relies on J-alert as the best Japan emergency alert system in the country.

Weather and Flood Warning System
Some natural disasters in Japan are caused by weather events. Usually, floods occur if the rainfall has high intensity. The warning system will issue about the potential flood before it happens, so people can be well-prepared to find safer places or the nearest shelter.
There are several warnings in this system. The first is advisory where the announcement is issued after a prediction by the Japan Meteorological Agency is issued. The second one is a warning level to announce of high risk of damage after the event. The last one is an emergency warning to tell people to evacuate quickly.
Earthquake Early Warning System
JMA has the right to handle Japan emergency alert system to issue information regarding the earthquake in Japan. The country has the latest technology where a warning can be issued seconds before the earthquake occurs. Usually, the warning is for a strong shake.
There are many platforms to broadcast the warning. The first is mobile phones where people will get messages pop up on the screen. Other platforms to announce this warning are trains and transportation systems through public loudspeakers, radio, and TV.
Tsunami Warning System
Tsunami is something common to happen in Japan after a strong earthquake. They have prepared mitigations and some adaptations, so the loss can be minimized. This warning is issued by JMA after they find out that there is a potential tsunami after the strong shake in the nearest coastline.
The system will announce the level of tsunami that occurs in seconds. Advisory level means the wave might be up to 1 meter height and it is a small tsunami. A tsunami warning is the second level where the wave is up to 3 meters. A tsunami that reaches more than 3 meters is a major warning level.
Public Threats Warning System
The public threat is dangerous and people should protect themselves before any rescue team and authorities take some action. Though this incident may be rare in Japan, the warning system for this event is ready. There are some guidelines that people can read through the message.
There are five levels in this system. The mild event may be in levels 1 and 2 where the message only announces that there is a danger around them in the area. Level 3-4 means people should evacuate themselves immediately. Meanwhile, level 5 means a life-threatening condition is happening.
Volcanic Warning System
A volcanic warning system is a system that involves many kinds of tools and sensors. In Japan, there are some active volcanoes and they usually show signs some volcanic activities. When the signs show hazardous activities, the system sends a warning to many people.
Level 1 is a normal activity, but people should be aware of the activities. Levels 2 and 3 disallow people to approach the volcano and the crater. Levels 4 and 5 tell people to evacuate from the area. The message will tell people the safe distance from the volcanoes.
The examples of Japan emergency alert system above use an SMS broadcaster as one tool to transmit the messages. People who are potentially affected will receive a warning message to evacuate or follow the guidelines, so they can stay safe according to the level of the warning.